Our services:

  • Initial inspection prior to commissioning
  • Recurring inspections
  • Decommissioning of above-ground or underground facilities
  • Preparation of technical reports for approval procedures or damage incidents

Benefit for you:

  • You receive assurance that your tank is sealed and in proper working order
  • Play it safe – choose TÜV Hessen
  • TÜV Hessen is well-known by all authorities.


In addition, we provide safety reviews and damage appraisals for facilities for storing water-hazardous substances, as well as the previously listed facilities for storing, filling and transporting flammable fluids, which are now subject to the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (Betriebssicherheitsverordnung – BetrSichV).

Legal basis

Our inspections are carried out in accordance with the Federal Water Act (Wasserhaushaltsgesetz – WHG) and the Installations Act/Ordinance on Installations for the Handling of Substances Hazardous to Water (Verordnung über Anlagen zum Umgang mit wassergefährdenden Stoffen – AwSV). Applicable laws, regulations and guidelines are integrated into or taken into account in the inspection as requested or required by law. These include:


  • Product Safety Act (Produktsicherheitsgesetz – ProdSG) in conjunction with the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (Betriebssicherheitsverordnung – BetrSichV)
  • Ordinance on Hazardous Substances (Gefahrstoffverordnung – GefStoffV)
  • Extinguishing Water Retention Guideline (Löschwasserrückhalterichtlinie – LöRüRl)
  • Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG)

Do you have any further questions concerning the heating oil tank inspections, or would you like to make an appointment? Then call us or contact us via email.

When and how often must my heating oil tank be inspected?

The lower water authority will inform you in writing when your tank is due for an inspection. Underground heating oil tanks must be inspected every five years; tanks in protected areas/flood plains must be inspected every two and a half years. Above-ground heating oil tanks with a capacity over 10,000 liters outside protected areas/flood plains, and heating oil tanks with a capacity over 1,000 liters in protected areas/flood plains must also be inspected by experts every five years. Heating oil tanks outside water protection areas and tanks with a capacity under 10,000 liters are not subject to regular safety inspections. However, the operator is responsible for the safety of the tanks, so we recommend that inspections are carried out by us every five years.


Privacy Policy on the processing of personal data when inspecting technical installations