In principle, obtaining proof that you are living without alcohol or drugs is a very simple process: You register with us and receive all the necessary information and documents. We will answer your questions at any time, and you can also arrange appointments at short notice. In short: We are here for you!

Which control program is suitable for which proof of abstinence?

  • Urine analyzes and hair analyzes are suitable for proving abstinence from drugs and/or alcohol.
  • Controlled alcohol consumption can also be proven with a hair analysis.
  • The PEth control program can be used to prove both alcohol abstinence and controlled alcohol consumption.

Our ways of proving your abstinence

You can generally proof your abstinence with urine samples in an abstinence control program or by hair analysis. The samples are analyzed in a specifically accredited laboratory. After the analysis we will issue a certificate regarding your abstinence documentation, including all information required for submission at an MPA.


Important: Please ensure to document continuous abstinence up until the date of the MPA examination.

You can also prove your abstinence using hair samples (hair analysis). For hair samples, it is important to remember that hair grows on average 1 cm per month. To prove alcohol abstinence, hair up to a maximum of 3 cm in length is tested. This means that you can prove alcohol abstinence for the three months before the date each hair sample is collected. To prove drug abstinence, hair up to a maximum of 6 cm in length can be tested. Therefore, you can prove drug abstinence for up to six months before the date each hair sample is collected.

Only want to document a reduction in alcohol consumption, without needing proof of abtinence? Hair analysis can show reduced alcohol consumption for a period of 3 months (hair length of 3 cm) retroactively.

It is easy to make appointments for providing hair samples at short notice and at any time – just get in touch!

IMPORTANT: Hair must be untreated – i.e., colored or bleached hair cannot be used.



To prove your abstinence using urine tests, you will sign up to a monitoring program with us that lasts 4, 6, 12 or 15 months. During this period, we will ask you to provide urine samples at random intervals. You will be notified of these appointments throughout the duration of the program.

Abstinence control program:

1 Year:            6 Urine samples

6 months:        4 Urine samples

We will contact you the day before the urine test via text message. On the day of the appointment, we will contact a sample of your urine under supervised conditions. The urine sample will then be tested in a laboratory that is specially accredited for tests of this nature. The urine is tested for the presence of your drug abstinence, a lab test for detecting what is known as “polytoxic drug use” is carried out. The urine is tested for metabolites of different substances (cannabinoids, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, methadone and possibly buprenorphine, tilidine and tramadol).
If you want to prove your abstinence for an MPA using urine samples, you should start as soon as possible. Sign up to an abstinence monitoring program with us via our simple sign-up process!



PEth is a bloodborne direct biomarker for alcohol. It is suitable for both documenting alcohol abstinence and controlled use of alcohol. The results of the PEth control program are accepted as viable data for the MPA.
There are three major benefits of the PEth method in comparison to a urine sample program.

1.There is no Urine sampling under surveillance.

2.The Creatine concentration and therefore the Urine concentration are irrelevant.

3.You will be notified of your upcoming appointment 2 days in advance, as opposed to only 1-day advanced notice during a urine sample program.



Proving abstinence – make an appointment today

Get in touch with us to make a personal appointment. Use proof of abstinence to prove that you are living a drug and/or alcohol-free life. We can support you in your goal.

At our regular, free information events you will receive in-depth information that describes the course of a medical-psychological assessment and proof of abstinence using urine samples or hair analysis.

Get in touch!

Our contacts near you

Can I also prove that I can control my alcohol consumption?

Have you recognized that your consumption of alcohol is problematic and have changed your drinking patterns? Would you like to prove this for an MPA? By means of a hair analysis using a hair sample of max. 3 cm in length, controlled consumption of alcohol (i.e., consumption that is acceptable from a social and health-related point of view) can be proven for three months in each instance.

You can have the documents for proving abstinence generated at all of our branches in an extremely simple process. Get in touch with us and make an appointment!

Our contacts near you

Is proving my abstinence enough to receive a positive MPA assessment?

To put it very clearly: no! If abstinence is required, you must still prove that you are already abstaining from consuming alcohol or using drugs. But this is not enough. After all, the objective is to show that you will also remain abstinent in the future. And because the issue is precisely about the future, you must confront your history of alcohol consumption or drug use and work through the reasons behind it. This is the only way that you can discover what other changes you need to make to ensure that you permanently abstain.


We work sustainably

With our services, we are contributing toward achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. This service supports the goal of ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages.


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