On this page you can make an appointment request for an one-time inspection of your heating oil tank. Your data will be processed by us in accordance with the applicable Data Privacy Policy and will only be used for the purpose stated here. Your data will be passed on to the “Untere Wasserbehörde” on the basis of applicable legal requirements, as TÜV Hessen is explicitly obliged to do so.

Our general inspection times are
Monday - Tuesday 7.30 – 16.30 h and
Friday 7.30 – 15.00 h.

About two weeks before the inspection appointment you will receive a confirmation letter from us.

For questions about the inspection please call our free hotline
Phone: +49 800 8834377

Please enter the general tank system data

The following details can be found in the letter from the “Unteren Wasserbehörde”.

Type of system *

Water protection area *

Already a customer of TÜV Hessen? You can speed up the processing of your request by entering the following data.

Personal data

Salutation *

Contact data
Billing data (if different from personal data)


System location data (if different from personal data)


Learn more about our Data Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

* Required field