The TÜV Hessen Begutachtungsstellen für Fahreignung (TÜV Hessen assessment centers for fitness to drive), at which the medical-psychological assessments take place, regularly host MPU information events.


We provide you with detailed information on the process of a medical-psychological examination. We will give you an initial overview of the expected costs and the examination procedure. You will receive general information about what you should bring with you to an MPU, what happens during the medical and psychological interview, about the performance tests and how to prepare for the MPU.

Of course, the events are free of charge and non-binding for you.

  • Personal contact - you will get to know an assessor personally on site. You will also get an impression of the examination center and how to get there. This allows you to concentrate fully on your MPU on the day of the examination.
  • First-hand information - experienced assessors will give you all the important information about your MPU.

Simply click on the respective location and receive further information about the locations:

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We work sustainably

With our services, we are contributing toward achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. This service supports the goal of ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages.


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